2008 Banja Luka

Location: Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
September 29, 2008 to October 08, 2008
Category XI (average rating 2501 - 2525)
9 rounds
Round robin tournament
Winner: Bartlomiej Heberla
Color guide
1. Bartlomiej Heberla 6.0 / 9 3 0 6
2. Zlatko Ilincic 5.5 / 9 4 2 3
2. Viktor Korchnoi 5.5 / 9 3 1 5
2. Sergey Volkov 5.5 / 9 3 1 5
2. Player not found 5.5 / 9 3 1 5
6. Lela Javakhishvili 4.5 / 9 2 2 5
7. Milan Drasko 3.5 / 9 1 3 5
7. Aleksandar Savanovic 3.5 / 9 0 2 7
7. Milan Vukic 3.5 / 9 2 4 3
10. Vlado Jakovljevic 2.0 / 9 0 5 4